Decentralised Web and Metaverse


The web is the most powerful tool for freedom, but it's not quite perfect. The internet has been around for almost 30 years and it's become increasingly centralized over time. We've seen the rise of large corporations like Google and Facebook which have become monopolies in their respective industries, and now we're seeing blockchain technology emerge as a way to decentralize this industry even further by creating new networks based on blockchain technologies such as Ethereum.

Decentralised Web

The Decentralised Web is a web without central servers. It's also known as a "distributed" or "decentralized" network, meaning that it's not controlled by one entity but rather many different ones.

The most common example of this type of system is BitTorrent; instead of having one central server that everyone has to go through in order to download files from each other, BitTorrent uses thousands upon thousands of peer nodes (or peers) all over the world. This makes downloading easier, faster and more reliable than it would be if you had just one large server hosting your data—but what makes this so special?


Metaverse is a decentralised virtual reality platform. It aims to build a decentralised ecosystem for digital assets and provide a blockchain-based infrastructure for the next generation of digital assets.

Metaverse is based on blockchain technology, which allows users to create and trade their own personalised metaverse in real time. The main features of the Metaverse include:

  • Identity verification system - so that each user can prove who they are before being able to log into any application or service; this will help prevent frauds from taking place within this ecosystem;

  • Blockchain structure - which means that every transaction made within this system will be recorded permanently onto its blockchain ledger; this ensures that all transactions will be traceable at any given time (and also prevents people from doing things like deleting files).

Decentralising the web can bring in more transparency and efficiency.

The decentralised web will bring in more transparency and efficiency.

The biggest benefit of having a decentralised web is that it is more transparent than traditional websites, which means that you can see what your data is being used for, who has access to it, and how long they have had access. This makes it easier for users to make informed decisions about their online activity on a platform where there isn’t any centralised control over how the data is handled or accessed. Users also get more freedom when using the internet thanks to this model: instead of being limited by one company or service provider’s policies, they can choose whatever platform they want without worrying about whether or not they’ll be locked out from other services due to geographical restrictions imposed by these companies' policies (e.,g., Facebook).


In conclusion, we believe that decentralising the web and creating a Metaverse will be one of the most important developments in the future. As technology continues to advance at an exponential rate, it’s clear that it will impact everything around us. We are on the cusp of a revolution where these two technologies combine to change how information flows between users and businesses alike.